Les livres que je possède (cliquer pour agrandir), mon « réservoir d’anecdotes », hors revues (Quest, Spaceflight, Space World…), seuls les hors-séries sont mentionnés, et hors PDF de la NASA et autres… (plusieurs centaines)
Titre | Auteur | Editeur | Pages | Année |
The A4 and the German, Soviet and American Rocket Program | REUTER Claus | Claus Reuter | 146 | |
Apollo | NASA | NASA EP-100 | 64 | |
Objectif Mars : La Conquête Spatiale depuis ses Origines | Collectif | Air et Cosmos HS | 98 | |
Les Premiers Hommes dans la Lune | WELLS HG | Folio | 280 | 1919-1984 |
The Conquest of Space | LASSER David | Apogee Books | 192 | 1931 |
Rockets, Missiles, and Men in Space | LEY Willy | Signet Book | 669 | 1944 |
L'Humanité devant la Navigation Interplanétaire | DUCROCQ Albert | Calmann Levy | 217 | 1947 |
Avions Fusées Supersoniques | Science et Vie N°354 | Science et Vie | 1947 | |
Les Armes Secrètes Allemandes | DUCROCQ Albert | Berger Levrault | 250 | 1947 |
The Conquest of Space | LEY Willy | The Viking Press | 160 | 1949 |
L'Astronautique | ANANOFF Alexandre | Artheme Fayard | 498 | 1950 |
Across the Space Frontier | von BRAUN Wernher | The Viking Press | 147 | 1952 |
V-2 | DORNBERGER Walter | Bantam Books | 293 | 1952 |
L'Astronautique | Science et Vie HS | Science et Vie HS | 134 | 1952 |
The Mars Project | von BRAUN Wernher | University of Illinois Press | 90 | 1952 |
Conquest of the Moon | von BRAUN Wernher | The Viking Press | 126 | 1953 |
The Complete Book of Outer Space | von BRAUN Wernher | Maco Magazine | 144 | 1953 |
Man on the Moon | von BRAUN Wernher | Sidgwick and Jackson | 134 | 1953 |
L'Arme secrète de Peenemünde | DORNBERGER Walter | Arthaud | 256 | 1954 |
Collier's "Man Will Conquer Space Soon" | Collectif | Collier's | 96 | 1954 |
Von Ostpreussen bis Texas | von BRAUN Magnus | Helmut Rauschenbusch-Verlag | 444 | 1955 |
The Men Behind The Space Rockets | GARTMANN Heinz | Scientific Book Club | 186 | 1955 |
Agents Secrets contre Armes Secrètes | BERGIER Jacques | Arthaud | 220 | 1955 |
Rockets, Missiles, and Space Travel | LEY Willy | The Viking Press | 528 | 1957 |
Earth Satellites and The Race for Space Superiority | STINE Harry | Ace Books | 191 | 1957 |
Evidence in Camera | BABINGTON-SMITH Constance | Chatto & Windus | 256 | 1957 |
Man into Space | OBERTH Hermann | Weidenfeld | 232 | 1957 |
Rockets, Satellites and Space Travel | COGGINS Jack - PRATT Fletcher | Random House | 64 | 1958 |
The Exploration of Space | CLARKE Arthur C. | Fawcett Premier Book | 185 | 1959 |
Man In Space : The United States Air Force Program | GANTZ Kenneth | Duell Sloane and Pearce | 304 | 1959 |
The Moon Car | OBERTH Hermann | Harper and Brothers | 98 | 1959 |
Rocket Wife | GROTTRUP Irmgard | Andre Deustch | 188 | 1959 |
Men of Space | THOMAS Shirley | Hillman/Marcfadden Book | 254 | 1960 |
Countdown for Decision | MEDARIS John | Putnam | 303 | 1960 |
Countdown : The Story of Cape Canaveral | SHELTON William | Little Brown | 185 | 1960 |
Always Another Dawn the Story of a Rocket Test Pilot | CROSSFIELD Scott | World Publishing Comp | 422 | 1960 |
First American into Space | SILVERBERG Robert | Monarch Books | 142 | 1961 |
Rockets to the Moon | BERGAUST Erik | Putnam | 48 | 1961 |
Man into Space | CAIDIN Martin | Pyramid Books | 192 | 1961 |
L'Aube de l'Ere Spatiale (Livre en Russe) | Ministère de la Culture de l'URSS | Gospolitizda | 764 | 1961 |
L'Arme secrète de Peenemünde (Format Poche) | DORNBERGER Walter | J'ai lu | 380 | 1961 |
The Astronauts : Pionners in Space | WAINWRIGHT Loudon | Golden Press - LIFE | 93 | 1961 |
Peenemunde to Canaveral | HUZEL Dieter | Prentice Hall | 248 | 1962 |
We Seven - By the Astronauts Themselves | Mercury 7 Astronauts | Simon & Schuster | 473 | 1962 |
700 000 km dans le Cosmos | TITOV Guerman | Les Editeurs Français réunis | 173 | 1962 |
Man on the Moon : The Wonderfull New Book of Project Apollo | RUSH Hanniford | Rand McNally | 95 | 1962 |
America's Race for the Moon : The New York Times story of Project Apollo | New York Times | Random House | 163 | 1962 |
Rendez-vous in Space | CAIDIN Martin | Dutton | 320 | 1962 |
Les Pionniers de l'Espace : Des V-2 à Cap Canaveral | Klee et Merk | Albin Michel | 200 | 1963 |
First Man to the Moon | von BRAUN Wernher | Frederick Muller | 96 | 1963 |
The Mare's Nest | IRVING David | William Kimber | 314 | 1964 |
P.S. I Listened to your Heart Beat. Letters to John Glenn | GLENN John | World Book | 250 | 1964 |
La Chasse aux Armes Secrètes Allemandes | McGOVERN James | Stock | 221 | 1964 |
Gemini : America's Historic Space Flight | United Press International | Prentice Hall | 104 | 1965 |
La Chasse aux Savants Allemands | BAR-ZOHAR Michel | Fayard | 285 | 1965 |
If The Sun Dies | FALLACI Oriana | Atheneum | 405 | 1966 |
The Coming of the Space Age | CLARKE Arthur C. | Victor Gollancz Ltd | 301 | 1967 |
Wernher von Braun : Lives to Remember | DAVID Heather | Putnam | 255 | 1967 |
Space Frontier | von BRAUN Wernher | Holt Rinehart Winston | 216 | 1967 |
Apollo 8 : Voyage to the Moon | New York Times | Look Magazine Special | 70 | 1968 |
Gemini : The Heroic Astronauts personnal Account on The Gemini Program | GRISSOM Virgil | The MacMillan company | 212 | 1968 |
Apollo 8 : Man around the Moon | NASA | NASA EP-66 | 24 | 1968 |
Soviet Space Exploration : The First Decade | SHELTON William | Arthur Baker | 341 | 1968 |
On Course to the Stars : The Roger B. Chaffee Story | CHRYSLER Donald - CHAFFEE Donald | Kregel Publications | 155 | 1968 |
No Man Walks Alone | ELLIS Frank K. | Fleming H. REVELL Company | 128 | 1968 |
Murder On Pad 34 : The Shocking Story of the Apollo Disaster | BERGAUST Erik | Putnam | 253 | 1968 |
Mond Landung | Collectif | Belser Verlag | 203 | 1969 |
To The Moon and Back | Life | Times Inc. | 94 | 1969 |
History of Rocketry and Space Travel | von BRAUN Wernher | Crowell Compagny | 275 | 1969 |
Das Abenteuer der Mondlandung | BUDELER Werner | Bertelsmann | 192 | 1969 |
Hallo Erde. Das Raumfahrtbuch der Jugend | METZLER Rudolf | Loewes Verlag | 337 | 1969 |
La Lune est à vendre mais les bénéfices sont en orbite terrestre | DE CLOSETS François | Denoël | 216 | 1969 |
Yuri Gagarin : First Man in Space | SHARPE Mitchell | Strode | 119 | 1969 |
L'espace Terre des Hommes | DE CLOSETS Francois | Tchou | 180 | 1969 |
Conquête de la Lune | PICHLER Herbert | Buchet-Chastel | 320 | 1969 |
Brennschluss : Rendezvous mit dem Mond | BARWOLF Adalbert | Ullstein | 262 | 1969 |
Les Pionniers du Cosmos | THILLIEZ Henri | France Empire | 302 | 1969 |
Footprints on the Moon | BARBOUR John | Stratford Press | 215 | 1969 |
Apollo 11 : On The Moon | Look | New York Times | 78 | 1969 |
First On The Moon : A Voyage with N. Armstrong, M. Collins, E. Aldrin | Armstrong-Collins-Aldrin | Konecky & Konecky | 434 | 1969 |
L'Exploration Soviétique de l'Espace | SHELTON William | Buchet-Chastel | 346 | 1969 |
Die Mond Landung | PICHLER Herbert | Molden | 360 | 1969 |
Der Weg zum Mond | MIELKI Heinz | Neues Leben | 285 | 1969 |
Man on the Moon : A Picture Chronology of Man In Space Exploration | Collectif | Galina Inc. | 28 | 1969 |
L'homme sur la Lune | DUCROCQ Albert | Julliard | 285 | 1969 |
Voici l'Espace | von BRAUN Wernher | Edition Planet | 265 | 1969 |
Wir waren die Ersten | Armstrong-Aldrin-Collins | May and co Shf | 478 | 1969 |
Mission to the moon A Critical Examination of Nasa | KENNAN A. - HARVEY H. | Morrow | 396 | 1969 |
A L'Assaut de la Lune | TIZIOU Jacques | Stock | 222 | 1969 |
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon | WARD Bob | Fawcett Gold Medal Book | 144 | 1969 |
Zum Mond und Weiter | PROSKE Rudiger | Bastei Buch | 80 | 1969 |
Bivouac sur la Lune | MAILER Norman | Robert Laffont | 630 | 1969-2009 |
10:56:20 PM 7/20/69 : The historic conquest of the moon by CBS News | Collectif | Columbia Broadcasting System | 169 | 1970 |
Apollo 13 : Houston we've got a problem" | NASA | NASA EP-76 | 25 | 1970 |
Der Flug zum Mond | Collectif | Burda | 128 | 1970 |
The Decision to go to the Moon. Project Apollo and the National Interest | LOGSDON John | University of Chicago Press | 185 | 1970 |
Wernher von Braun | RULAND Bernd | Librarie Jules Tallandier | 294 | 1970 |
Apollo/ Saturn V - Roll of Honor | Boeing Company (The) | Boeing | 200 | 1971 |
Project Paperclip German Scientists in the Cold War | LASBY Clarence | Atheneum | 338 | 1971 |
Russians in Space : The Men, the Rockets, the Flights and the Scientists behind them | RIABCHIKOV Evgeny | Doubleday | 300 | 1971 |
The Cape (Roman Historique) | CAIDIN Martin | Doubleday | 374 | 1971 |
Earthbound Astronauts : The Builders of Apollo/saturn | LAY Beirne | Prentice Hall | 198 | 1971 |
Eyewitness to Space | Collectif | Abrams | 228 | 1972 |
Apollo 16 Mission Report | Mission Evaluation Team | NTIS | 500 | 1972 |
Werhner von Braun Anekdotisch | WARD Bob | Bechtle | 112 | 1972 |
On The Moon with Apollo 16 : A Guidebook to the Descartes Region | SIMMONS Gene | NASA EP-95 | 90 | 1972 |
L'escalade du Cosmos | MAUREL Patrick | Bordas | 348 | 1972 |
Le Cas von Braun | AHRWEILER Jacques | Seghers | 169 | 1972 |
Kennedy Space Center Story | NASA | Kennedy Space Center | 286 | 1972 |
To Rule the Night : The Discovery Voyage of Astronaut Jim Irwin | IRWIN James-Emerson | Holman Company | 268 | 1973 |
The Tragedy of the Moon | ASIMOV Isaac | Scientific Book Club | 220 | 1973 |
Thirteen : The Flight That Failed | COOPER Henry | The Dial Press | 199 | 1973 |
Return to Earth | ALDRIN Edwin | Random House | 340 | 1973 |
We Reach The Moon | NOBLE WILFORD John | Thistle Book | 168 | 1973 |
Skylab : A Guidebook | BELEW - STUHLINGER | NASA EP-107 | 245 | 1973 |
The Next Ten Thousand Years : A vision of Man in the Universe | BERRY Adrian | Mentor Book | 218 | 1974 |
Moonport USA | ALEXANDER George | W.P Brownell | 129 | 1975 |
Dora | MICHEL Jean | Livre de Poche | 600 | 1975 |
Apollo Expeditions to the Moon | CORTRIGHT Edgar | NASA SP-350 | 313 | 1975 |
The Rockets Red Glare | von BRAUN Wernher | Doubleday | 212 | 1976 |
Wernher Von Braun | BERGAUST Erik | National Space Insttitute | 589 | 1976 |
A la recherche d'une vie sur Mars | DUCROCQ Albert | Flammarion | 296 | 1976 |
Space Science and Astronomy : Escape from Earth | Collectif | Macmillan | 467 | 1976 |
The Eagle Has Returned | STEINHOFF Ernst | American Astronautical Society | 355 | 1976 |
Les Mémoires d'un Astronaute | ANANOFF Alexandre | Albert Blanchard | 198 | 1978 |
Hitler's Last Weapons | GARLINSKI Joef | Times Books | 242 | 1978 |
Most Secret War | JONES R.V. | Worldworsth Editions | 556 | 1978 |
The Apollo Spacecraft : A chronoloy (Vol. IV - 21 jan. 1966 - 13 jul. 1974 | ERTEL - NEWKIRK | NASA SP-4009 | 465 | 1978 |
The Rocket | BAKER David | Crown | 276 | 1978 |
Moonport : A history of Apollo launch Facilities and Operations | BENSON - FAHERTY | NASA SP-4204 | 633 | 1978 |
The Rocket Team (1ère édition) | ORDWAY - SHARPE | MIT Press | 462 | 1979 |
Footsteps : In Honor of the Apollo Moonflights | Collectif | Hansen Planetarium | 28 | 1979 |
Moonsteps : In Honor of the Apollo Moonflights | LITTMANN Mark | Hansen Planetarium | 30 | 1979 |
Chariots for Apollo : A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft | Brooks-Grimwood-Swenson | NASA History Series | 538 | 1979 |
Voyage to Jupiter | MORRISON David | NASA SP-439 | 199 | 1980 |
Peenemünde Die Geschichte der V-Waffen | DORNBERGER Walter | Ullstein | 313 | 1981 |
Red Star In Orbit | OBERG James E. | Random House | 272 | 1981 |
Managing NASA in the Apollo Era | LEVINE Arnold | NASA SP-4102 | 342 | 1982 |
The Space Shuttle Operator's Manual | KENNEDY Gregory | Macmillan | 160 | 1982 |
The Eagle Has Wings | WILSON Andrew | British Interplanetary Society | 140 | 1982 |
Voyages to Saturn | MORRISON David | NASA SP-451 | 227 | 1982 |
L'Homme Fusée | CHABBERT Bernard | Arthaud | 398 | 1982 |
L'Exploration de l'espace | COUPER Heather | Gründ | 96 | 1982 |
The History of Manned Spaceflight | BAKER David | Crown Publishing | 544 | 1982 |
The Light Stuff : Space Humor from Sputnik to Shuttle | WARD Bob | Jester Books | 295 | 1982 |
L'Etoffe des Héros | WOLFE Tom | Gallimard | 388 | 1982 |
All we Did was Fly to the Moon | LATTIMER Dick | The Whispering Eagle Press | 143 | 1983 |
Space Shuttle : The Facinating Story of the New Earth-Space Transportation System | ALEXANDER Georges | W.P Brownell | 68 | 1983 |
Astronauts and Cosmonauts Biographical and Statistical Data | NASA Publication | Library of Congress | 334 | 1983 |
Prelude to the Space Age | WINTER Frank | NASM | 206 | 1983 |
NASA 1958-1983 Remembered Images | NASA | NASA EP-200 | 134 | 1983 |
Kennedy Space Center Tours | KSC | Graphic Hours | 48 | 1984 |
Aller-retour pour l'Espace | ALLEN Joseph | Mazarine | 221 | 1984 |
NASA America's Voyage to the Stars | John and Dewaard | Exeter Books | 192 | 1984 |
LIFE dans l'Espace | Collectif | Time Life | 304 | 1984 |
Ascent to Orbit : A scientific Autobiography | CLARKE Arthur C. | John Wiley & Sons | 226 | 1984 |
Chariots for Apollo : The Untold Story Behind The race to the Moon | Pellegrino - Stoff | Avon Books | 320 | 1985 |
Marshall Space Flight Center 1960 - 1985 | NASA Publication | NASA | 85 | 1985 |
An Illustrated History of Space Shuttle | SMITH Melvyn | Haynes | 246 | 1985 |
The Real Stuff | ATKINSON Joseph | Praeger | 228 | 1985 |
Space The Final Exam | Marie - Zalman | Zanadu | 201 | 1985 |
Space Shuttle Log | FURNISS Tim | Jane's | 128 | 1986 |
Yeager an Autobiography | YEAGER Charles | Bantam Books | 436 | 1986 |
An American in Exile : The Story of Arthur Rudolph | FRANKLIN Thomas | CK Co | 366 | 1987 |
Prescription For Disaster : From the Glory of Apollo to the Betrayal of the Shuttle | TRENTO Joseph | Crown Publishing | 311 | 1987 |
Reaching for the Stars : The Story of Astronaut Training and the Lunar Landing | GOLDSTEIN Stanley | Praeger | 193 | 1987 |
To Uranus and Beyond | NASA | NASA EP-260 | 25 | 1987 |
Liftoff : The Story of America's Adventure in Space | COLLINS Michael | Grove Press | 288 | 1988 |
Countdown (Frank Borman Autobiography) | BORMAN-Serling | Silver Arrow books | 448 | 1988 |
Schirra's Space | SCHIRRA Walter - Billings | Naval Institute Press | 227 | 1988 |
The Space Shuttle : Reference Manual | NASA | NASA | 324 | 1988 |
Men from Earth | ALDRIN -Mc CONNELL | Bantam Books | 314 | 1989 |
One Small Step : A 20 years Perspective | FURNISS Tim | Haynes | 151 | 1989 |
Dragonfly : NASA and the Crisis aboard MIR | BURROUGH Bryan | Harper Collins Books | 528 | 1989 |
Footprints : The 12 Men who walked on the Moon Reflections | MacKinnon- Baldanza | Acropolis Books | 292 | 1989 |
Apollo : The Race to the Moon | Murray - Bly Cox | Simon & Schuster | 510 | 1989 |
Where no Man has Gone before : A History of Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions | COMPTON William | NASA History Series | 415 | 1989 |
Astounding Days | CLARKE Arthur C. | Victor Gollancz Ltd | 224 | 1990 |
Moonwalker (Charles Duke autobiography) | DUKE Charlie | Oliver Nelson | 284 | 1990 |
L'Espace habité Soviétique | BAUDRY Patrick - DANNAU | Editions Atlas | 128 | 1990 |
V2 Dawn Of the Rocket Age | ENGELMAN Joachim | Schifer Miltary History | 47 | 1990 |
Voyager : The Grandest Tour | NASA | NASA JPL | 40 | 1991 |
Five Billion Vodka Bottles to the Moon | SHKLOVSKY Iosif | Norton | 270 | 1991 |
L'Astronautique Soviétique | LARDIER Christian | Armand Colin | 322 | 1992 |
Science With a Vengeance | DeVORKIN David H. | Springer | 404 | 1992 |
The First United States Microgravity Laboratory | NASA | NASA MSFC | 40 | 1992 |
Blueprint for Space : Science Fiction to Science Fact | ORDWAY - LIEBERMANN | Smithsonian Institution Press | 224 | 1992 |
At The Edge of Space: The X-15 Flight Program | THOMPSON Milton | NASM | 375 | 1992 |
Angle of Attack : Harrison Storms and the Race to the Moon | GRAY Mike | Penguin Book | 287 | 1992 |
Space Almanac | CURTIS Anthony | Gulf Publishing Comp. | 746 | 1992 |
De Spoutnik à Gagarine : Les Débuts de la Course à l'Espace | Collectif | Les Cahiers de Science et Vie °11 | 96 | 1992 |
Inventing Accuracy : A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance | MACKENZIE Donald | MIT Press | 464 | 1993 |
Suddenly Tomorrow Came… A History of the Johnson Space Center | DETHLOFF Henry | NASA SP-4307 | 406 | 1993 |
Race to the Moon : Americas Duel with the Soviets | BREUER William | Praeger | 222 | 1993 |
How we Got to the Moon | FREEMAN Marsha | 21 st Century Associates | 363 | 1993 |
Pourquoi nous ne sommes pas allés sur la Lune | MICHINE Vassili | Cépaduès Editions | 88 | 1993 |
La Conquête de l'Espace | Collectif | Les cahiers de l'Express n°22 | 108 | 1993 |
Sonate au Clair de Terre | CHRETIEN Jean-Loup | Denoël | 232 | 1993 |
The Sputnik Challenge | DIVINE Robert | Oxford | 245 | 1993 |
Baïkonour : la Porte des Etoiles | Collectif | Armand Colin | 255 | 1994 |
Selling Outer Space : Kennedy, The Media, and Funding for Project Apollo | KAUFFMAN James | The University Of Alabama Press | 190 | 1994 |
The Greatest Adventure : … space adventures by those who flew them | Collectif astronautes | Pierson | 224 | 1994 |
Flying to the Moon : an astronaut's story | COLLINS Michael | Farrar Straus Giroux | 162 | 1994 |
A Man on the Moon : The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts | CHAIKIN Andrew | Michael Joseph | 670 | 1994 |
Lost Moon : The Perilous Voyage of Apollo XIII | LOVELL James - Kluger | Houghton Mifflin Company | 378 | 1994 |
Von Braun contre Korolev : Duel pour la Conquête de l'Espace | KOHLER Pierre - GERMAIN | Plon | 278 | 1994 |
Wernher Von Braun Crusader for Space | STUHLINGER Ernst | Krieger | 375 | 1994 |
L'Avion Spatial Américain | CANDAL Yves | Armand Colin | 312 | 1994 |
Wernher von Braun Crusader for Space (Album photos) | STUHLINGER Ernst | Krieger | 147 | 1994 |
V-Missiles of the Third Reich | HOLSKEN Dieter | Monogram | 352 | 1994 |
The Nazi Rocketters Dreams Of Space and Crimes Of War | PISZKIEWICZ Dennis | Praeger | 266 | 1995 |
Ils voulaient la Lune | SHEPARD Alan - SLAYTON Donald | Ifrane éditions | 391 | 1995 |
Roads to Space An Oral History of The Soviet Space Program | RHEA John | Compagnies | 73 | 1995 |
The Rocket and the Reich | NEUFELD Michael | Free Press | 368 | 1995 |
Powering Apollo James E. WEBB of NASA | LAMBRIGHT W. Henry | Johns Hopkins | 271 | 1995 |
Deke ! | SLAYTON Donald - Cassutt | Forge | 354 | 1995 |
The Challenger Launch Decision | VAUGHAN Diane | University of Chicago Press | 375 | 1996 |
Journey to the Moon The History of the Apollo Guidance Computer | HALL Eldon | AIAA | 196 | 1996 |
The Peenemünde Wind Tunnels : A Memoir | WEGENER Peter | YALE University Press | 187 | 1996 |
De L'Université aux Camps de Concentration. Temoignages Strasbourgeois | Collectif - SADRON Charles | Press Universitaire de Strasbourg | 554 | 1996 |
Stages to Saturn : A technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles | BILSTEIN Roger | NASA SP-4206 | 511 | 1996 |
Les Apprentis Sorciers | RIVAL Michel | Seuil | 234 | 1996 |
Aiming at Targets : The Autobiography of Robert seamans, Jr | SEAMANS Robert | NASA History Series | 291 | 1996 |
Korolev : How one Man Masterminded the Soviet Drive to Beat America to the Moon | HARFORD James | John Wiley & Sons | 392 | 1997 |
The Heavens and the Earth : A Political History of the Space Age | McDOUGALL Walter | The John Hopkins University Press | 555 | 1997 |
Kummersdorf : The Wehrmacht Weapons Testing Ground | FLEISCHER Wolfgang | Schiffer Military History Books | 199 | 1997 |
Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership | Launius - McCurdy | University of Illinois Press | 262 | 1997 |
Peenemünde : Das Raketenzentrum und seine Werkbahn | KUHLMANN Bernd | GVE | 142 | 1997 |
The First Manned SpaceFlight : Russia's Quest for Space | Suvorov-Sabelnikov | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | 155 | 1997 |
Countdown : A History of Spaceflight | HEPPENHEIMER T.A. | John Wiley | 396 | 1997 |
Raketenspuren Peenemünde 1936-1996 | BODE - KAISER | Bechtermünz Verlag | 205 | 1997 |
Peenemünde und seine Erben in Ost und West | MICHELS Jürgen | Bernard & Graefe Verlag | 333 | 1997 |
This New Ocean : A history of Project Mercury | Swenson-Grimwood-Alexander | NASA SP-4201 | 681 | 1998 |
Starman : The Truth behind the Legend of Yuri Gagarin | BIZONY Piers - Doran | Bloomsbury | 248 | 1998 |
Wernher Von Braun The Man Who Sold the Moon | PISZKIEWICZ Dennis | Praeger | 240 | 1998 |
Genesis - The Story of Apollo 8 | ZIMMERMAN Robert | Dell Book | 350 | 1998 |
Genesis : The History of Apollo 8 | ZIMMERMAN Robert | Four Walls Eight Windows | 298 | 1998 |
Carrying The Fire | COLLINS Michael | The Adventure Library | 390 | 1998 |
Gagarine ou le Rêve russe de l'Espace | GAUTHIER Yves | Flammarion | 297 | 1998 |
Impact The History of Germany's V-Weapons in WW2 | King et Kutta | Da Capo Press | 358 | 1998 |
Dragonfly : An Epic Adventure of Survival in Outer Space (Softcover) | BURROUGH Bryan | Harper Collins Publishers | 528 | 1998 |
Apollo : An Eyewitness Account by Alan Bean | BEAN Alan - CHAIKIN Andrew | Greenwich Workshop Press | 176 | 1998 |
Apollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports (Vol. 1) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 248 | 1999 |
German Secret Weapons Of The Second World War | HOGG Ian | Greenhill Books | 223 | 1999 |
Apollo 12 - The NASA Mission Reports (Vol. 1) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 248 | 1999 |
The Space Shuttle Decision : NASA's Search for a Reusable Space Vehicle | HEPPENHEIMER T.A. | NASA SP-4221 | 470 | 1999 |
Friendship 7 : The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 208 | 1999 |
The Last Man on the Moon (Eugene Cernan autobiography) | CERNAN Eugene | St Martins Press | 355 | 1999 |
The Race : The complete true story of how America beat Russia to the Moon | SCHEFTER James | Anchor Books | 302 | 1999 |
John Glenn A Memoir | GLENN John | Bantam Books | 564 | 1999 |
Power to Explore : A history of Marshall Space Flight Center | DUNAR Andrew | NASA SP-4313 | 714 | 1999 |
Space Shuttle The History of Developing the National Space Transportation System | JENKINS Dennis | Walsworth Pub Comp | 342 | 1999 |
How do you go to the bathroom in Space | POGUE William | Tor Book | 223 | 1999 |
This New Ocean : The History of the first space Age | BURROWS William | The Modern Library | 723 | 1999 |
Apollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports (Vol. 2) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 168 | 1999 |
Apollo 13 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 256 | 2000 |
Apollo 7 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 272 | 2000 |
Apollo 8 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 232 | 2000 |
Apollo 14 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 232 | 2000 |
Disasters and Accidents in Manned Spaceflight | SHAYLER David | Springer - Praxis | 470 | 2000 |
The Soviet Space Race with Apollo | SIDDIQI Asif | University Press of Florida | 473 | 2000 |
Gemini 8 : The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 200 | 2000 |
Leap of Faith : An Astronauts Journey in The Unknown | COOPER Gordon-Henderson | Harper Collins Books | 279 | 2000 |
Apollo 9 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 232 | 2000 |
Apollo 10 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 264 | 2000 |
Failure Is Not An Option | KRANTZ Eugene | Simon & Schuster | 414 | 2000 |
Saturn V : America's Moon Rocket | World Spaceflight News | Progressive Management | 168 | 2000 |
Sputnik and the Soviet Space Challenge | SIDDIQI Asif | University Press of Florida | 528 | 2000 |
La dernière Mission - Mir l'aventure humaine | KOHLER Pierre | Calmann-Lévy | 280 | 2000 |
Apollo in Perspactive Spaceflight Then and Now | ALLDAY Jonathan | IoP | 320 | 2000 |
A Tribble's Guide to Space | TRIBBLE Alan C. | Princeton University Press | 173 | 2000 |
Reconsidering Sputnik Forty Years Since the Soviet Satellite | Launius-Logsdon- Smith | Routlledge | 442 | 2000 |
Hypersonics: Before The Shuttle | JENKINS Dennis | NASA SP-4518 | 128 | 2000 |
Une Odyssée de l'Espace | BRUNIER Serge | Bordas | 192 | 2000 |
Moon Launch : A History of the Saturn/Apollo Launch Operations | BENSON - FAHERTY | University Press of Florida | 236 | 2001 |
Peenemunde The Extrordinary Story of Hitler's Secret Weapons V1 et V2 | DE MAESENEER Guido | Aj Publishing | 480 | 2001 |
Apollo by the Numbers : A Statistical Reference | ORLOFF Richard | Ross & Perry | 334 | 2001 |
The Unbroken Chain | WENDT Guenter | Apogee Books | 216 | 2001 |
Flight : My Life In Mission Control | KRAFT Christopher | Dutton | 372 | 2001 |
Le Rêve Spatial inachevé | BAUDRY Patrick | Tallandier | 316 | 2001 |
Arrows to the Moon : Avro's Engineers and the Space Race | GAINOR Chris | Apogee Books | 296 | 2001 |
Apollo 15 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 272 | 2001 |
Russia In Space : The Failed Frontier ? | HARVEY Brian | Springer - Praxis | 330 | 2001 |
Tracking Apollo to the Moon | LINDSAY Hamish | Springer | 426 | 2001 |
Project Mercury : NASA's First Manned Space Program | CATCHPOLE John | Springer - Praxis | 485 | 2001 |
Children of Apollo (Roman) | WHITTINGTON Mark | Xlibris Corporation | 556 | 2001 |
Histoire de l'Aviation (Chapitre Espace p.502 à 577) | MARCK Bernard | Flammarion | 598 | 2001 |
Sputnik The Shock Of The Century | DICKSON Paul | Walker | 310 | 2001 |
Moon Lander : How we Developed the Apollo Lunar Module | KELLY Thomas | Smithsonian | 283 | 2001 |
Gateway to the Moon : Building the Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex | BENSON - FAHERTY | University Press of Florida | 316 | 2001 |
Space Shuttle The First 20 Years | NASM | DK Publishing | 320 | 2002 |
To Reach the High Frontier : A History of US launch Vehicles | Launius-Jenkins | University Press of Kentucky | 520 | 2002 |
Apollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports (Vol. 3) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 224 | 2002 |
On The Shoulders of Titans : A History of Project Gemini | HACKER - GRIMWOOD | NASA SP-4203 | 625 | 2002 |
Virtual Apollo : A Pictorial Essay of the Engineering and Constructions of the CSM | SULLIVAN Scott | Apogee Books | 128 | 2002 |
Apollo : The Lost and Forgotten Missions | SHAYLER David | Springer - Praxis | 344 | 2002 |
For Spacious Skies : The Uncommon Journey of a Mercury Astronaut | CARPENTER - Stoever | Harcourt | 370 | 2002 |
Apollo 16 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 312 | 2002 |
Objectif Espace : Une Aventure humaine | CHAIKIN Andrew | Selection du Reader's Digest | 255 | 2002 |
The Rocket Men : Vostok, Voskhod, The First Soviet Manned Spacecraft | HALL - SHAYLER | Springer - Praxis | 326 | 2002 |
Road to the Stars | GAGARIN Yuri | University Press of the Pacific | 196 | 2002 |
Gemini : Steps to the Moon | SHAYLER David | Springer - Praxis | 433 | 2002 |
Star-Crossed Orbits | OBERG James | Mc Graw Hill | 354 | 2002 |
Apollo : The Epic Journey to the Moon | WEST REYNOLDS David | Tehabi Books | 272 | 2002 |
Gemini 6 : The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 208 | 2002 |
Before This Decade is Out : Pesonnal Reflections on the Apollo Program | SWANSON Glen | University Press of Florida | 401 | 2002 |
Apollo 17 - The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 240 | 2002 |
We Have Capture : Tom Stafford and the Space Race (Stafford Bio) | STAFFORD Thomas - Cassutt | Smithsonian Institution Press | 288 | 2002 |
Les Armes Secrètes des Nazis | DEBUCHY Victor | Page après page | 302 | 2003 |
Columbia Accident Investigation Report | Collectif | Apogee Books | 261 | 2003 |
The Rocket Team | ORDWAY - SHARPE | Apogee Books | 324 | 2003 |
Sigma 7 : The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 215 | 2003 |
Space Trivia | POGUE Wiliam | Apogee Books | 156 | 2003 |
Apollo EECOM : Journey of a Lifetime | LIEBERGOT Sy - Harland | Apogee Books | 216 | 2003 |
V-2 Ballistic Missile 1942-52 | ZALOGA Steven | OSPREY Publishing | 48 | 2003 |
X-15 Photo Scrapbook | JENKINS Dennis | Specialty Press | 108 | 2003 |
Russian Spacesuits | ABRAMOV - SKOOG | Springer - Praxis | 365 | 2003 |
Gemini 12 : The NASA Mission Reports | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 264 | 2003 |
Wings of their Dreams : Purdue In Flight | NORBERG John | Purdue University | 432 | 2003 |
Hypersonic The Stroy of the North American X-15 | JENKINS Dennis | Specialty Press | 264 | 2003 |
Fallen Astronauts : Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Moon | Burgess-Doolan-Vis | University of Nebraska Press | 272 | 2003 |
The All-American Boy | CUNNINGHAM Walter | ibooks | 439 | 2003 |
The Moonlandings : An Eyewitness Account | TURNILL Reginald | Cambridge | 456 | 2003 |
Dans les coulisses de la Conquête Spatiale | VILLAIN Jacques | Cépaduès Edition | 220 | 2003 |
China's Space Program from Conception to Manned Spaceflight | HARVEY Brian | Springer - Praxis | 349 | 2004 |
X-15 Diary The Story of America's First Space Ship | TREGASKIS Richard | Bison Books | 318 | 2004 |
Peenemünde Mythos und Geschichte der Raketet 1923-1989 | ERICHSEN - HOPPE M. | Nicolai | 390 | 2004 |
Comm Check : The Final Flight of Shuttle Columbia | CABBAGE Michael | Free Press | 320 | 2004 |
Skylab : America's Space Station | SHAYLER David | Springer - Praxis | 375 | 2004 |
Soyuz : A Universal Spacecraft | HALL - SHAYLER | Springer - Praxis | 459 | 2004 |
Two Sides of the Moon | SCOTT David - LEONOV Alexeï | St Martins Press | 416 | 2004 |
Gus Grissom : The Lost Astronaut | BOOMHOWER Ray | Indiana Historical Society | 393 | 2004 |
Mythos Raketen | SCHEUFELEN Klaus | Bechtle | 187 | 2004 |
Virtual LM : A Pictorial Essay of the Engineering and Construction of the Apollo LM | SULLIVAN Scott | Apogee Books | 249 | 2004 |
Du V2 à Véronique | HUWART Olivier | Marines | 189 | 2004 |
Lunar Exploration : Human Pioneers and Robotic Surveyors | Ulivi - Harland | Springer - Praxis | 363 | 2004 |
Unconventional, Contrary, and Ugly : The Lunar Landing Research Vehicle | Matranga-Ottinger-Jarvis | NASA SP-4535 | 228 | 2004 |
Apollo 12 - The NASA Mission Reports (Vol. 2) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 192 | 2004 |
Light This Candle : The Life & Times of Alan Shepard | THOMPSON Neal | Crown Publishing | 445 | 2004 |
Splashdown NASA and the Navy | BLAIR Don | Turner | 200 | 2004 |
How NASA Learned to fly in Space : An Exciting Account of the Gemini Missions | HARLAND David | Apogee Books | 288 | 2004 |
Apollo : The Behind the Scenes Story of one of Mankinds Greatest Achievements | Murray - Bly Cox | South Moutain Books | 494 | 2004 |
Blazing The Trail | GRUNTMAN Mike | AIAA | 505 | 2004 |
Building Moonships : The Grumman Lunar Module | STOFF Joshua | Arcadia | 128 | 2004 |
Apollo a retrospective analysis | LAUNIUS Roger | NASA | 114 | 2004 |
My Times | JONES Joseph M. | iUniverse | 189 | 2004 |
Secrets of The Space Age | WINTERSTEIN William | Robert Redd Publisher | 460 | 2005 |
Space Shuttle Columbia Her Missions and Crews | EVANS Ben | Springer - Praxis | 486 | 2005 |
Hitler's Miracle Weapons (Volume 2) | GEORG Friedrich | Helion | 112 | 2005 |
Rockets and People (Vol. I) | CHERTOK Boris | NASA SP-4110 | 402 | 2005 |
Space Exploration and Disasters | Collectif | Carroll and Graf Publishers | 495 | 2005 |
Apollo Spacecraft News Reference (Command and Service Module) | NASA Collectif | Apogee Books | 140 | 2005 |
Apollo Project - The Test Program (Pocket Space Guide) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 75 | 2005 |
Rocket Man : Astronaut Pete Conrad's Incredible Ride to the Moon and beyond | CONRAD Nancy - H. Klausner | New American Library | 300 | 2005 |
L'histoire illustrée de la NASA | GORN Michael | Panama | 304 | 2005 |
Dr Space : The Life of Wernher von Braun | WARD Bob | Naval Institute Press | 282 | 2005 |
Saturn V : The Complete Manufacturing and Test Records | Lawrie - Godwin | Apogee Books | 327 | 2005 |
First Man : The Life of Neil Armstrong | HANSEN James | Simon & Schuster | 768 | 2005 |
Project Apollo the Tough Decisions | SEAMANS Robert | NASA | 160 | 2005 |
The Story of Space Station MIR | HARLAND David | Springer - Praxis | 424 | 2005 |
Apollo 11 : First men to the Moon (Pocket Space Guide) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 50 | 2005 |
The Real Space Cowboys | SCHIRRA Walter - BUCKBEE Ed | Apogee Books | 168 | 2005 |
Moondust : In Search of the Men who Fell to Earth | SMITH Andrew | Harper Collins Books | 372 | 2005 |
Russian's Cosmonauts : Inside the Yuri Gagarin Space Center | HALL - SHAYLER - VIS | Springer - Praxis | 386 | 2005 |
100 Stories about Docking and other adventures in Space | SYROMIATNIKOV Vladimir | 628 | 2005 | |
V-2 A Combat History of the First Ballistic Missile | DUNGAN T.D. | WestHolme Publishing | 250 | 2005 |
Sky Walking : An Astronaut Memoir | JONES Tom | Smithsonian Books | 369 | 2006 |
Apollo Spacecraft News Reference (Lunar Module) | NASA Collectif | Apogee Books | 304 | 2006 |
Rockets and People (Vol. II) Creating a Rocket Industry | CHERTOK Boris | NASA SP-4110 | 669 | 2006 |
Rocketdyne : Powering Humans into Space | KRAEMER Robert | AIAA | 274 | 2006 |
Go For Launch : An Illustrated History of Cape Canaveral | POWELL Joel | Apogee Books | 320 | 2006 |
US Spacesuits | Thomas - McMann | Springer - Praxis | 397 | 2006 |
Germany's V-2 Rocket | KENNEDY Gregory | A.Schiffer | 135 | 2006 |
Launch Vehicules Heritage of the Space Race | LENNICK Michael | Pocket Space Guide | 96 | 2006 |
Riding Rockets : The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut | MULLANE Mike | Scribner | 382 | 2006 |
The Man Who Ran The Moon | BIZONY Piers | Thunder's Mouth Press | 242 | 2006 |
Apollo : The Definitive Sourcebook | ORLOFF - HARLAND | Springer - Praxis | 633 | 2006 |
Carnet de Bord d'un Cosmonaute | HAIGNERE Jean-Pierre | Flammarion | 200 | 2006 |
Inside the Space Race | LAMB Lawrence | Synergy Books | 424 | 2006 |
Apollo Moon Missions : The Unsung Heroes | WATKINS Billy | Praeger | 202 | 2006 |
Apollo Project - Exploring the Moon (Pocket Space Guide) | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 80 | 2006 |
Thunder Over The Horizon From V-2 Rockets to Ballistic Missiles | CHUN Clayton K.S. | Praeger Security International | 221 | 2006 |
Kennedy Space Center Gateway to Space | REYNOLDS David | Firefly | 247 | 2006 |
Geheime Waffenschmiede Peenemünde | ENGELMAN Joachim | Dörfler | 159 | 2006 |
Return to Flight : Space Shuttle Discovery | JENKINS Dennis | Specialty Press | 108 | 2006 |
Peenemünde-Karlshagen 1937-1943 Der Geheime Siedlung der Wissenschaftler, Teckniker, Arbeiter | WIECHMANN Günter | Peter Lang | 549 | 2006 |
Critical Issues in the History of Spaceflight | LAUNIUS - DICK | NASA | 659 | 2006 |
From Nazis To Nasa | WARD Bob | Sutton | 368 | 2006 |
Russian Spacecraft | GODWIN Robert | Pocket Space Guide | 96 | 2006 |
Lunar and Planetary Rovers : The Wheels of Apollo and the Quest for Mars | YOUNG Anthony | Springer - Praxis | 305 | 2007 |
Societal Impact of Spaceflight | LAUNIUS Roger - DICK Steven | NASA SP-4801 | 680 | 2007 |
50 ans de Conquêtes Spatiales | Collectif | Science et Vie HS | 114 | 2007 |
Epic Rivalry : The Inside Story of the Soviet and American Space Race | HARDESTY - EISMAN | National Geographic | 275 | 2007 |
The First Men On The Moon | HARLAND David | Springer - Praxis | 378 | 2007 |
Energya-Buran : The Soviet Space Shuttle | Hendrickx - Vis | Springer - Praxis | 522 | 2007 |
A Ball, a Dog and a Monkey | D'ANTONIO Michael | Simon & Schuster | 306 | 2007 |
NASA Pocket Statistics | NASA | NASA | 2007 | |
A History of the Kennedy Space Center | Lipartito - Butler | University Press of Florida | 478 | 2007 |
After Sputnik 50 years of the Space Age | CAIDIN Martin | Collins | 256 | 2007 |
America in Space : NASA'S First Fifty years | Collectif | Abrams | 351 | 2007 |
Final Countdown NASA and the end of the Space Shuttle Program | DUGGINS Pat | University Press of Florida | 250 | 2007 |
Spoutnik. 1957 La Véritable Histoire de l'Espace | Collectif | Ciel et Espace HS | 98 | 2007 |
Animals in Space | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 405 | 2007 |
On The Moon : The Apollo Journals | Heiken - Jones | Springer - Praxis | 492 | 2007 |
Spécial Apollo | Collectif | Espace et Exploration N° Spécial | 98 | 2007 |
Espace : Rivalités ou Coopération ? | Collectif | Géopolitique | 110 | 2007 |
Live from Cape Canaveral | BARBREE Jay | Smithsonian Books | 321 | 2007 |
Les Débuts de la Recherche Spatiale Française | Collectif | E/dite | 398 | 2007 |
La Station Spatiale Internationale | Collectif | Espace et Exploration N° Spécial | 98 | 2007 |
De Spoutnik à la Lune : L'Histoire secrète du programme spatial Soviétique | BALAND Pierre | Actes Sud | 344 | 2007 |
Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log - 1961-2006 | FURNISS Tim - SHAYLER David | Springer - Praxis | 828 | 2007 |
The Voice of Dr. Wernher von Braun | POWELL-WILLHITE Irene | Apogee Books | 232 | 2007 |
Shooting for the Moon : The Strange History of Human Spaceflight | BERMAN Bob | The Lyons Press | 215 | 2007 |
Project Gemini (Pocket Space Guide) | WHITFIELD Steve | Apogee Books | 50 | 2007 |
Project Mercury (Pocket Space Guide) | WHITFIELD Steve | Apogee Books | 50 | 2007 |
Red Moon Rising : Sputnik and the hidden rivalries that ignited the space age | BRZEZINSKI Matthew | Times Books | 322 | 2007 |
Von Braun Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War | NEUFELD Michael | Knopf - NASM | 545 | 2007 |
Robotic Exploration of the Solar System | Ulivi - Harland | Springer - Praxis | 534 | 2007 |
Into That Silent Sea : Trailblazers of The Space Era, 1961-1965 | FRENCH-BURGESS | University of Nebraska Press | 397 | 2007 |
In The Shadow of the Moon | FRENCH-BURGESS | University of Nebraska Press | 424 | 2007 |
Soviet and Russian Lunar Exploration | HARVEY Brian | Springer - Praxis | 317 | 2007 |
Love & Hate : The Story of Henri Landwirth | HALAMANDARIS Bill | Bill Halamandaris | 186 | 2007 |
Digital Apollo : Human and Machine in Spaceflight | MINDELL David | MIT Press | 360 | 2008 |
Dark Side of the Moon The Magnificent Madness of American Lunar Quest | DeGROOT Gérard | Vintage Books | 320 | 2008 |
La Navette Spatiale : L'épopée d'un engin hors du commun | Collectif | Espace et Exploration N° Spécial | 98 | 2008 |
Space Exploration 2008 | HARLAND David - HARVEY Brian | Springer - Praxis | 183 | 2008 |
Exploring the Unknown : Selected documents in the History of the US Space Program | Logsdon - Launius | NASA SP-4407 (Vol. 7) | 858 | 2008 |
How Apollo Flew To The Moon | WOODS W. David | Springer - Praxis | 412 | 2008 |
We Came In Peace For All Manking | RAHMAN Tahir | Leathers Publishing | 293 | 2008 |
Building Hitler's Missiles | BODE - KAISER | CH. Links | 144 | 2008 |
Homesteading Space : The Skylab Story | Hitt, Garriott, Kerwin | University of Nebraska Press | 520 | 2008 |
Saturn I / IB | LAWRIE Alan | Apogee Books | 192 | 2008 |
To a Distant Day : The Rockets Pioneers | GAINOR Chris | University of Nebraska Press | 336 | 2008 |
Dark Side of the Moon | BIDDLE Wayne | Norton | 220 | 2009 |
Rêves D'étoiles | CHRETIEN Jean-Loup - Alric | Alphée - Jean Paul Bertrand | 236 | 2009 |
Hornet plus Three | FISH Bob | Creative Minds | 215 | 2009 |
Rockets and People (Vol. III) Hot Days of the Cold War | CHERTOK Boris | NASA SP-4110 | 796 | 2009 |
Ensuring the Safety of Manned Spacecraft | SHAYLER David | Springer - Praxis | 356 | 2009 |
The First Soviet Cosmonaut Team : Their Lives, Legacy and Historical Impact | BURGESS - HALL | Springer - Praxis | 396 | 2009 |
Moon Shot : The Inside Story of Mankinds Greatest Adventure | PARRY Dan | Ebury Press | 312 | 2009 |
Ils ont marché sur la Lune | Collectif | Le Figaro HS | 130 | 2009 |
Missiles for the Fatherland | PETERSEN Michael | Cambridge | 267 | 2009 |
Escaping The Bonds Of Earth : The Fifties and the Sixties | EVANS Ben | Springer - Praxis | 488 | 2009 |
Hitler's Rockets the Story of the V-2s | LONGMATE Norman | Skyhorse Publishing | 424 | 2009 |
The Saturn V F-1 Engine | YOUNG Anthony | Springer - Praxis | 266 | 2009 |
Wernher Von Braun - The FBI Files | FBI | Filiquariam Publishing | 332 | 2009 |
Lune | Collectif | Ciel et Espace HS 12 | 98 | 2009 |
Voices from the Moon : Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experience | CHAIKIN Andrew - Kohl | Viking Studio | 202 | 2009 |
Live TV From The Moon | BONIECKI Steven | Apogee Books | 248 | 2009 |
Paving the Way for Apollo 11 | HARLAND David | Springer - Praxis | 472 | 2009 |
Hitler's Miracle Weapons (Volume 3) | GEORG Friedrich | Helion | 105 | 2009 |
On a marché sur la Lune. L'Album Souvenir | Collectif | Le Point Hors Série | 98 | 2009 |
The Apollo Guidance Computer : Architecture and Operation | O'BRIEN Frank | Springer - Praxis | 439 | 2010 |
Les Deux Vies de Soyouz | LARDIER Christian - BARENSKY | E/dite | 415 | 2010 |
Foothold in The Heavens - The Seventies | EVANS Ben | Springer - Praxis | 531 | 2010 |
Von Braun Entre Nazisme et Rêves de Fusées | BRAUBURGER Stefan | Jourdan Edition | 315 | 2010 |
John F. Kennedy ans the Race to the Moon | LOGSDON John | Palgrave macmillan | 291 | 2010 |
The Partnership Apollo-Soyuz Test Project | EZELL Clinton - Ezell | Dover Publication | 558 | 2010 |
Premier pilote de Jet : Erich Warsitz | WARSITZ Lutz | Altipresse | 157 | 2010 |
Footprints in The Dust : The Epic Voyages of Apollo 1969-1975 | BURGESS Colin | University of Nebraska Press | 480 | 2010 |
Apollo 12 : On The Ocean of Storms | HARLAND David | Springer - Praxis | 522 | 2011 |
Smoke Jumper, Moon Pilot (Bio Stuart Roosa) | MOSELEY Willie | Acclaim Press | 256 | 2011 |
Hitler's Rocket Soldiers : The Men Who Fired The V2s Against England | BARBER - KEUER | Tattered FLAG | 284 | 2011 |
Into The Cosmos | ANDREWS - SIDDIQI | University of Pittsburg Press | 330 | 2011 |
Yuri Gagarin in London and Manchester | SINGH Gurbir | York Publishing Services | 175 | 2011 |
Selecting the Mercury Seven : The Search for America's First Astronauts | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 371 | 2011 |
Space and the American Imagination | McCURDY Howard E. | The John Hopkins University Press | 396 | 2011 |
Falling to Earth | WORDEN Alfred - French | Smithsonian Books | 300 | 2011 |
Rockets and People (Vol. IV) The Moon Race | CHERTOK Boris | NASA SP-4110 | 663 | 2011 |
Inventing the American Astronaut | HERSCH Matthew | Palgrave Macmillan | 219 | 2012 |
Neil Armstrong : Un Clin d'œil à la Lune | BERNELIN - COUÉ | A2C Medias | 152 | 2012 |
Aventures dans l'Espace : 20 récits authentiques | PELLERIN Jean-François | A2C Medias | 222 | 2012 |
From the Trench of Mission Control to the Craters of the Moon | Collectif - Contrôleurs de Vol | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 432 | 2012 |
A-4 / V-2 Rocket Instruction Manual | Bitzer and Woerner | Periscope FILM LLC | 164 | 2012 |
At Home In Space : The Late Seventies into the Eighties | EVANS Ben | Springer - Praxis | 481 | 2012 |
Forever Young : A Life of Adventure in Air and Space | YOUNG John | University Press of Florida | 416 | 2012 |
Neil Amstrong 1930-2012 | Time Life | Life Book | 95 | 2012 |
Apollo Operations Handbook Extra Vehicular Mobility Unit | NASA | Periscope FILM LLC | 286 | 2012 |
Lunar Module LM 10 thru LM 14 Vehicle Familiarization Manual | Collectif | Periscope FILM LLC | 176 | 2012 |
Tragedy and Triumph in Orbit : The Eighties and early Nineties | EVANS Ben | Springer - Praxis | 614 | 2012 |
Eisenhower's Sputnik Moment | MIECZKOWSKI Yanek | Cornell University Press | 358 | 2013 |
The X-15 Rocket Plane Flying the First Wings into Space | EVANS Michelle | University of Nebraska Press | 450 | 2013 |
Denkmallandschaft Peenemünde | SCHMIDT Leo - MENSE Uta | Ch. Links Verlag | 205 | 2013 |
Apollo : A Decade of Achievement | CASEY Paul | JS Blume Publishing | 579 | 2013 |
N-1 : A reference Guide to the Soviet Superbooster | Johnson et Stevens | Ara Press | 210 | 2013 |
The Red Rocket's Glare | SIDDIQI Asif | Cambridge University Press | 402 | 2013 |
Ici la Base de la tranquilité | BORDERES Serge | Cépaduès Editions | 253 | 2013 |
Wheels Stop : The Tragedies and Triumphs of The Space Shuttle Program, 1986-2011 | HOUSTON Rick | University Press of Nebraska | 428 | 2013 |
Voices of the Soviet Space Program | GEROVITCH Slava | Palgrave Macmillan | 305 | 2014 |
Bold They Rise : The Space Shuttle Early Years, 1972-1986 | HITT David - SMITH Heather | University of Nebraska Press | 326 | 2014 |
Rocket and Revolution A Cultural History of Early Spaceflight | SMITH Michael | University of Nebraska Press | 431 | 2014 |
Freedom 7 : The Historic Flight of Alan B. shepard Jr | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 266 | 2014 |
Liverty Bell 7 : The Suborbital Mercury Flight of Virgil Grissom | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 275 | 2014 |
Partnership In Space : The Mid to late Nineties | EVANS Ben | Springer - Praxis | 496 | 2014 |
Earthrise : My Adventures as an Apolo 14 Astronaut | MITCHELL Edgar | Chicago Review Press | 184 | 2014 |
Marketing the Moon : The Selling of the Apollo Lunar Program | Scott - Jurek | The Mit Press | 130 | 2014 |
Safe is Not an Option. Overcoming the futile obssession with getting everyone back alive… | SIMBERG Rand | Interglobal Media | 217 | 2014 |
The Peenemünde Raid | MIDDLEBROOK Martin | Pen & Sword | 265 | 2014 |
No Requiem for the Space Age | TRIBE Mattew | Oxford | 276 | 2014 |
Neil Amstrong A Life of Flight | BARBREE Jay | Thomas Dune Books | 362 | 2014 |
Rocket Ranch : The Nuts and Bolts of the Apollo Moon Program at KSC | WARD Jonathan | Springer - Praxis | 331 | 2015 |
Spaceshots & Snapshots of Projects Mercury & Gemini | Bisney and Pickering | New Mexico | 202 | 2015 |
Soviet Space Mythologies | GEROVITCH Slava | University of Pittsburgh Press | 232 | 2015 |
Mission Control : Inventing the Groundwork of Spaceflight | JOHNSON Michael Peter | University Press of Florida | 203 | 2015 |
Friendship 7 : The Epic Orbital Flight of John Glenn | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 275 | 2015 |
Countdown to a Moon Launch : Preparing Apollo for its Historic Journey | WARD Jonathan | Springer - Praxis | 435 | 2015 |
Go, Flight ! The Unsung Heroes of Mission Control, 1965-1992 | HOUSTON Rick - HEFLIN Milt | University of Nebraska Press | 341 | 2015 |
Moonfire : The Epic Journey of Apollo 11 | MAILER Norman | Taschen | 611 | 2015 |
Histoire de la Conquête Spatiale | CLERVOY J. F. - Lehot | Vuibert | 207 | 2015 |
After Apollo ? | LOGSDON John | Palgrave macmillan | 356 | 2015 |
Aurora 7 : The Mercury Spaceflight of M. Scott Carpenter | BURGESS Colin | Springer-Praxis | 239 | 2015 |
Fallen Astronauts : Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Moon | Burgess-Doolan-Vis | University of Nebraska Press | 386 | 2016 |
Hidden Figures : The Story of the American Women who helped Win the Space Race | LEE SHETTERLY Margot | William Collins | 346 | 2016 |
L'Espace sans Gravité : Histoires insolites de l'exploration spatiale | PORCEL Florence | Marabout | 190 | 2016 |
Sigma 7 : The Six Mercury Orbits of Walter M. Schirra, Jr. | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 298 | 2016 |
The Greatest Space Generation As Inspired by Wernher Von Braun | BUCKBEE Ed | Acclaim Press | 320 | 2016 |
Calculated Risk : The Supersonic Life and Times of Gus Grissom | LEOPOLD George | Purdue University Press | 378 | 2016 |
Histoire(s) D'Espace | CLERVOY Jean-François | Jacob-Duvernet | 212 | 2009 |
Faith 7 : L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., and the Final Mercury Mission | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 291 | 2016 |
Into The Black : The Extraordinary Untold Story of the First flight of the Space Shuttle | WHITE Rowland | Bantam Press | 436 | 2016 |
Space Shuttle : Developing an Icon - 1972-2013 (3 volumes) | JENKINS Dennis | Specialty Press | 1584 | 2017 |
The Last of NASA's Original Pilot Astronauts | SHAYLER David - BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 427 | 2017 |
Outpost On The Frontier : A Fifty-Year History of Space Stations | CHLADEK Jay | University of Nebraska Press | 494 | 2017 |
Apollo Pilot : The Memoir of Astronaut Donn Eisele | EISELE Donn | University of Nebraska Press | 143 | 2017 |
De Gagarine à Thomas Pesquet : L'entente est dans l'Espace | BOTTLAENDER Eric - MOURIAUX PI. F. | Louison Editions | 175 | 2017 |
Apollo 8 : The Thrilling Story of the First Mission to the Moon | KLUGER Jeffrey | Henry Holt and Company | 308 | 2017 |
Exploring the Unknown : Selected documents in the History of the US Space Program | LAUNIUS Roger | NASA SP-4407 (Vol. 2) | 636 | 1996 |
Flying Higher and Faster | BRAND Vance | Mira Digital Publishing | 235 | 2015 |
A bout ortant sur Londres : la vérité sur les armes secrètes allemandes | IRVING David | Robert Laffont | 459 | 1967 |
V2 : The A4 Rocket from Peenemünde to Redstone | BARBER Murray R. | Crecy Publishing | 296 | 2017 |
L'Aventure Astronautique | GARTMANN Heinz | Hachette | 187 | 1963 |
The Kremlin & The Cosmos | DANILOFF Nicholas | Alfred A. Knopf Publisher | 270 | 1972 |
Human Space Flight Mission Patch Handbook | Collectif | Aerographics Inc. | 173 | 2014 |
Manned Space Flight : Personal Reflections on the Space Program | DAY Leroy | Leroy E. Day and Associates | 164 | 2011 |
Gemini Flies ! Unmanned Flights and the First Manned Mission | SHAYLER J. David | Springer - Praxis | 333 | 2018 |
Le Nouvel Age Spatial : De la Guerre Froide au New Space | PASCO Xavier | CNRS Editions | 192 | 2017 |
Moon Bound : Choosing and Preparing NASA's Lunar Astronauts | BURGESS Colin | Springer - Praxis | 369 | 2013 |
Sunburst and Luminary : An Apollo Memoir | EYLES Don | Fort Point Press | 357 | 2017 |
Astropolitik : Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age | DOLMAN Everett C. | Frank Cass Publishers | 208 | 2002 |
The Astronaut Maker (Biographie de George Abbey) | CASSUTT Michael | Chicago Review Press | 460 | 2018 |
Ils ont marché sur la Lune | HENAREJOS Philippe | Belin | 511 | 2018 |
L'Aventure Apollo : comment ils ont décroché la Lune | FRANKEL Charles | Dunod | 285 | 2018 |
50e Anniversaire Premier Homme sur la Lune | Collectif | Empreintes Editions | 316 | 2018 |
Rocket Men : The Epic Story of the First Men on the Moon | NELSON Craig | Viking Press | 404 | 2009 |
Army Ballistic Missile Programs at Cape Canaveral 1953-1988 | CLEARY Mark | Progressive Management | 99 | 2006 |
The Smithsonian History of Space Exploration | LAUNIUS Roger | Smithsonian Books | 400 | 2018 |
Disasters In Space : tragic stories from the US-Soviet space race | WOYDT Hermann | Schiffer Publising Ltd | 144 | 2018 |
Apollo to the Moon : A History in 50 objects | MUIR-HARMONY Teasel | National Geographic | 303 | 2018 |
Mission Moon 3D : Reliving the Great Space Race | EICHER David - MAY Brian | London Stereoscopic Company | 192 | 2018 |
L'Homme Fusée : Les Pionniers de la Conquête Spatiale | CHABBERT Bernard | Editions Privat | 514 | 2018 |
Apollo : Des Hommes sur la Lune | FITCH - BAKER - COLLINS | Dunod | 160 | 2018 |
A Man On The Moon (3 volumes) | CHAIKIN Andrew | Time Life Books | 960 | 1999 |
Gemini 4 : An Astronaut Steps into the Void | SHAYLER David | Spinger - Praxis | 378 | 2018 |
To Touch the Face of God : The Sacred, the Profane and the American Space Program, 1957-1975 | OLIVER Kendrick | The Johns Hopkins University Press | 229 | 2013 |
Rocket Men : The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 ... | KURSON Robert | Random House | 372 | 2018 |
The Birth of NASA : The Work of the Space Task Group... | von EHRENFRIED Manfred | Springer - Praxis | 358 | 2016 |
Coming Home : Reentry and Recovery from Space | LAUNIUS Roger - JENKINS Dennis | NASA Aeoronautics Book Series | 326 | 2012 |
Il était une fois l'Homme sur le Lune | GRACIEUX Serge | Cépaduès Editions | 56 | 2001 |
Alexandre Ananoff l'Astronaute Méconnu | MOURIAUX P-F - VARNOTEAUX P. | Editions Ed2A | 228 | 2013 |
L'Escalade du Cosmos | MAUREL Patrick | Bordas | 352 | 1972 |
Space Exploration : A history from the pages of The New York Times | The New York Times | The New York Times | 80 | 2019 |
The Space-Age Presidency of John F. Kennedy | BISNEY John - PICKERING J. L. | University of New Mexico Press | 205 | 2019 |
Picturing Apollo 11 : Rare Views and Undiscovered Moments | BISNEY John - PICKERING J.L. | University Press of Florida | 263 | 2019 |
The Lunar Exploration Scrapbook. A Pictorial History of Lunar Vehicles | GODWIN Robert | Apogee Books | 224 | 2007 |
Apollo 11 : A la Rencontre d'un Rêve | PAULIS Pierre-Emmanuel | Editions Ed2A | 199 | 2019 |
Apollo Confidentiel | VIGLIETTI Lukas | De Boeck Supérieur | 256 | 2019 |
American Moonshot : John Kennedy and the Great Space Race | BRINKLEY Douglas | HarperCollins | 548 | 2019 |
Afterglow : Reflecting with the Apollo Astronauts on Their Missions and Lives | WEBBER Derek | Curtis Press | 291 | 2019 |
Shoot for the Moon | DONOVAN James | Little Brown | 454 | 2019 |
Shattered Dreams : The Lost and Cancelled Space Missions | BURGESS Colin | University of Nebraska Press | 268 | 2019 |
Apollo : A Graphic Guide to Mankind's Greatest Mission | SCOTT Zack | Abrams Image | 157 | 2019 |
The Apollo Missions : The Incredible Story of the Race to the Moon | BAKER David | Arcturus Publishing | 192 | 2019 |
Apollo's Legacy : Perspectives on The Moon Landing | LAUNIUS Roger | Smithsonian Books | 239 | 2019 |
Apollo : L'Histoire - Les Missions - Les Héros | DE GOURSAC Olivier | Flammarion | 288 | 2019 |
100 idées reçues, contrevérités et faits insolites sur la conquête de l'espace | MARY Luc - POINAS Philippe | Editions de l'Archipel | 428 | 2019 |
Apollo : Les Archives de l'Exploit | Collectif | Hors Série Air et Cosmos | 114 | 2019 |
Reaching for the Moon | LAUNIUS Roger | Yale University Press | 247 | 2019 |
The Apollo Chronicles | BROWN Brandon | Oxford University Press | 269 | 2019 |
Eight Years to the Moon | ATKINSON Nancy | Page Street Publishing | 240 | 2019 |
The Moon Landing : Mankinds Greatest Adventure | Collectif | LIFE | 96 | 2019 |
The Moon Landings : One Giant Leap | SALTER Colin | Flame Tree Publishing | 192 | 2019 |
L'Exploration de la Lune | ANDERLINI Georges alias Lunarjojo | 284 | 2019 | |
Doing The Impossible : George E. Mueller and the Management of NASA's Human Spaceflight Program | SLOTKIN Arthur L. | Springer - Praxis | 306 | 2012 |
La Course aux Etoiles | MICHENER James | Mazarine | 748 | 1984 |
Apollo 11 : An AP Special Anniversary Edition | Collectif | The Associated Press | 213 | 2019 |
The Ultimate Engineer : The Remarquable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low | JUREK Richard | University of Nebraska Press | 285 | 2019 |
Splashdown : The Rescue of a Navy frogman | WOLFRAM John | Entry Way Publishing | 290 | 2008 |
Le Legs du Programme Apollo | COUE Philippe | L'Harmattan | 169 | 2019 |
Landing Eagle : Inside the cockpit during the first moon landing | ENGLE Michael | Telemachus Press | 85 | 2019 |
Disarming Hitler's V Weapons | RANSTED Chris | Pen & Sword | 260 | 2013 |
From Peenemünde to Cape Canaveral and Beyond | HENGST Werner | Fireworks Studio | 427 | 2019 |
L'Histoire de la NASA | Hors-Série | Collectif | 145 | 2019 |
Fertigungsstelle Peenemünde - Aufbaujahr 1939 | MAUER Karl-Otto | BoD | 126 | 2019 |
Taking Nazi Technology | O'REAGAN Douglas | Johns Hopkins University Press | 281 | 2019 |
Gorodomlya Island : German Rocket Scientists in Russia | ALBRING Werner | Books On Demand | 207 | 2016 |
Our Germans : Project Paperclip and the National Security State | CRIM Brian | Johns Hopkin University Press | 245 | 2018 |
The Apostles of Apollo | MERSCH Carole | Pan-L Publishing | 360 | 2009-2018 |
John Houbolt : The Unsung Hero of the Apollo Moon Landing | CAUSEY William | Purdue University Press | 347 | 2020 |
O'Hair v. Paine US Supreme Court Transcript of Records | U.S. Supreme Court Records | The Making of Modern Law | 86 | 2011 |
Moon Men Return | CARMICHAEL Scott | Naval Institute Press | 237 | 2010 |
Les fusées V2 et l'arme atomique allemande | GUCCIARDI Roger | Cheminements | 107 | 2008 |
Willy Ley : Prophet of the Space Age | BUSS Jared | University Press of Florida | 321 | 2017 |
Dear Neil Armstrong : Letters to the First Man from All Mankind | HANSEN James | Purdue University Press | 358 | 2020 |
Mondsüchtig : Wernher von Braun um die Geburt der Raumfahrt aus dem Geist der Barbarei | EISFELD Rainer | zu Klampen | 296 | 2012 |
The Race to the Moon Chronicled in Stamps, Postcards and Postmarks | CAVALLARO Umberto | Springer - Praxis | 338 | 2018 |
Alcohol in Space | CARBERRY Chris | McFarland | 209 | 2019 |
Piercing the Horizon : The Story of Visionary NASA Chief Tom Paine | TSIAO Sunny | Purdue University Press | 264 | 2017 |
Dernières nouvelles de Mars | ROCARD Francis | Flammarion | 176 | 2020 |
Rocket Age : The Race to the Moon and what it took to get there | MORGAN George | Prometheus Books | 227 | 2020 |
A Much Unsung Hero : the Lunar Landing Training Vehicle | BIGHAM James | 75 | 2014 | |
Astronauts On Parade | MARIANETTI Gene | Acclaim Press | 237 | 2019 |
Countdown to Encounter : Von Braun and the Astronauts | SCOTT John | Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. | 144 | 1979 |
De la terreur à la Lune : la saga des armes secrètes d'Hitler | WENKIN Hugues | Weyrich - Pierre de Taillac | 232 | 2019 |
Visions of Spaceflight : Images from the Ordway Collection | ORDWAY Frederick | Four Walls Eight Windows | 176 | 2001 |
Lunar Outfitters : Making the Apollo Space Suit | AYREY Bill | University Press of Florida | 408 | 2020 |
I was a Teenage Space Reporter | CHUDWIN David | LID Publishing | 288 | 2019 |
Operation Moonglow : A Political History of Project Apollo | MUIR-HARMONY Teasel | Basic Books | 368 | 2020 |
To The Moon | ROOSA Rosemary | Nautilus Publishing Company | 342 | 2019 |
A Reluctant Icon : Letters to Neil Armstrong | HANSEN James | Purdue University Press | 384 | 2020 |
Terre(s) : Depuis l'espace, la Terre s'offre en spectacle... | PESQUET Thomas | Michel LAFON / ESA | 320 | 2017 |
Von Braun | Walter Robin | Des Ronds dans l'O | 183 | 2021 |
Amazing Stories of the Space Age | PYLE Rod | Promotheus Books | 341 | 2017 |
Marshall Space Flight Center | DONZE MANTO Cindy | Arcadia Publishing | 127 | 2020 |
Mercury Rising | SHEZOL Jeff | W.W. Norton & Company | 400 | 2021 |
Soyuz-1 The Death of Vladimir Komarov | SIDDIQI Asif | SpaceHistory101.com Press | 76 | 2020 |
Apollo 1 : The Tragedy that put us on the Moon | WALTERS Ryan | Regnery History | 276 | 2021 |
Spies in Space | HOMER Courtney | US Government Printing Office | 104 | 2020 |
Hitler's Revenge Weapons | WALPOLE Nigel | Pen & Sword Books | 216 | 2018 |
Raketenpionier Arthur Rudolph | KUROWSKI Franz | Vowinckel-Verlag KG | 326 | 2001 |
Les Fusées de la préhistoire à la conquête de l'espace | VON BRAUN Wernher - ORDWAY III Frederick | France-Empire | 237 | 1977 |
Target London | CAMPBELL Christy | Abacus | 516 | 2012 |
Operation Crossbow | WILLIAM Allan | Arrow Book | 450 | 2014 |
L'Art de la NASA | BIZONY Piers | E-T-A-I | 191 | 2021 |
Histoire secrète de la conquête spatiale | KOECHLIN | Editions du Rocher | 340 | 2021 |
The Light of Earth : Reflections on a Life in Space | WORDEN Al et FRENCH Francis | University of Nebraska Press | 150 | 2021 |
A long Voyage To The Moon : The Life of Naval Aviator and Apollo 17 Astronaut Ron Evans | BOWMAN Geoffrey | University of Nebraska Press | 377 | 2021 |
The Greatest Adventure : A History of Human Space Exploration | BURGESS Colin | Reaktion Books | 368 | 2021 |
L'Humain dans l'Espace : Entre réel et Fiction | LEHOUCQ Roland - PORCEL Florence | La Martinière | 215 | 2021 |
Far Side of The Moon | JORGENSEN Liisa | Chicago Review Press | 318 | 2022 |
Never Panic Early : An Apollo 13 Astronaut's Story | HAISE Fred | Smithsonian Books | 202 | 2022 |
Escaping Gravity : My Quest to Transform NASA and Launch a New Space Age | GARVER Lori | Diversion Books | 281 | 2022 |
La Conquête Spatiale | LEFEBVRE Jean-Luc | Les Editions du Net | 128 | 2022 |
Mojave Epiphanie : Une Histoire secrète du programme spatial américain | CHARDRONNET Ewen | Editions inculte/dernière marge | 380 | 2016 |
Gemini 5 : Eight Days in Space or Bust | SHAYLER David | Springer Praxis | 427 | 2023 |
NASA Range Rats : The True Beginnings | EHRENSPECK Edward | David Hepker | 135 | 2022 |
Photographing America's First Astronauts | PICKERING J.L. - BISNEY John | Purdue University Press | 311 | 2023 |
Ma Vie Sans Gravité | PESQUET Thomas | Flammarion | 413 | 2023 |